Following Ofsted's inspection of Outwood Academy Hemsworth on Tue 11 Oct 2022, we were rated as Requires Improvement.
"In lessons, pupils routinely behave well and work hard. This is partly because pupils are well taught. It is also because teachers have very clear expectations."
"Pupils study challenging, academic courses across all year groups, including in the sixth form."
"Pupils with SEND are well supported in this school. These pupils access the same challenging curriculum as their peers."
"Pupils are well prepared for their next stages in education, employment or training. "
"An extensive ‘enhancement’ curriculum, addressing life skills such as tolerance and respect, complements the school’s academic offer. "
Description | Data |
Progress 8 score | -0.07 |
Attainment 8 score | 39.7 |
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs | 32% |
Entering EBacc | 31% |
EBacc average point score | 3.54 |
Staying in education or entering employment | 91% |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
Description | Data |
A Levels | |
Progress score | n/a |
Average result | C- |
Average points | 27.47 |
% of students completing their main study programme | 96.9% |
Academic Qualifications (including A Levels) | |
Progress score | n/a |
Average result | C- |
Average points | 27.49 |
% of students completing their main study programme | 96.9% |
Applied General Qualifications (Broad Vocational Qualifications) | |
Progress score | n/a |
Average result | n/a |
Average points | n/a |
% of students completing their main study programme | 50.0% |
Tech Levels (Occupational Qualifications) | |
Progress score | n/a |
Average result | n/a |
Average points | n/a |
% of students completing their main study programme | n/a |
Level 2 English and Maths Progress | |
English average progress | n/a |
Maths average progress | n/a |
Student Destinations | |
Students progressing to education or employment | 88% |
Students progressing to higher education or training | 62% |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
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